Mayor: Shift to natural gas 'looks good'

| 19 Sep 2017 | 01:59

OGDENSBURG — Mayor Steve Ciasullo said on Sept. 11 that it looks good for Ogdensburg to get gas through Elizabethtown gas.
He continued, so far the Beardslee Hill, Bettino, and Maryann Estates developments have good response percentages; and Presidents still needs a few more homes.
If everything works well with the construction permits, he said, Elizabethtown will possibly break ground before the end of the year. He added said residents interested in obtaining natural gas for their homes can still use the survey monkey: or go to borough hall.
Next week, Ciasullo said, he will meet with Elizabethtown Gas, and possibly another notification will be sent to the public to get more people signed up.
Elizabethtown looked at all the other responses throughout town, he said, and think if they pipe in those developments, people will probably connect in the future.
The final decision, Ciasullo said, will probably be Oct. 1, thus, allowing Elizabethtown to focus on the starting point.
Ciasullo said anyone on Main St. can already hook up by just calling Elizabethtown Gas.
During public comment, resident Vicki Schroeder suggested residents contact local contractors regarding the actual cost of work to convert to natural gas.
Ciasullo agreed residents should get their own estimates, because a price range could cost as little as around $500, depending on the work needed to be completed.
Councilman David Astor also asked to attend the Elizabethtown Gas meeting.
Councilman Peter Opilla said they finally received a second quote for the loop repair on Beardslee Hill Dr., which is $4,000 higher than the original quote. Thus, he said, they will move forward with the original quote, and he will work with the CFO and DPW to get it prepped and scheduled.
Opilla also said he will meet with the contractor for pricing regarding the Pump House on Edison, including: work on the outside, roof, gutters, and masonry work around the building.
The council reviewed and unanimously authorized allowing alcohol at the Volunteer Fire Department Clam Bake and the ORA fund raiser in 2017.
Ciasullo also suggested updating the ordinance to allow the governing body to change said ordinances, when proper state permits are in possession.
Councilman George Hutnick said, they are planning to change the Ogdensburg Day date to the first week of June. He explained, especially because there is so much competition in September for amusements, and the Fireman's Parade will be in October this year.
Ciasullo suggested picking the day soon.
The council unanimously resolved to move their meeting from Tuesday, Oct. 10, to Wednesday, Oct. 11., at 7 p.m., in order to not compete with Candidates' Night.
After executive session, the council unanimously resolved for Councilmen Robert Gunderman, Astor, and Opilla to form a new negotiating committee for police contracts. Hutnick volunteered to serve as an alternate.