Mayor to discuss next steps for gas plan

| 05 Sep 2017 | 02:58

Ogdensburg Council President Rachel Slater said on Aug. 28 the number of interested residents in natural gas are coming in, and the mayor will meet with Elizabethtown Gas to discuss next steps in about two weeks.
Councilman David Astor reviewed the DPW spring and summer summary of work completed. Astor explained, there have been complaints regarding residents wanting storm drains repaired in a timely fashion. However, he said, it is a two man, two-day job, and their work consists of many different activities besides just road responsibilities, including: water, pond, and fields.
Astor continued, next year, when they complete the budget, he will recommend and actively pursue hiring another person for the DPW. He said, he knew they did not want to add another cost, but due to age, the roads and water mains will need a lot more work in the future.
Slater asked about hiring seasonal workers, to which Astor responded, they had been told seasonal workers would then need to be paid unemployment. Astor said he did not understand needing to pay unemployment when using an individual contract, on an as-need-basis.
Astor also said the county answered the expected date of completion for the Passaic Ave. Bridge should be Oct. 31.
Slater said the mayor requested recommendations from the engineer regarding potential roads to submit for the DOT grant application. The council is hoping to receive grants for Edison or Plant St., which have been approved in the past.
Councilman George Hutnick recommended properly repairing an actual road instead of using the chip and tar method. He said, some roads, which were tarred and chipped last year, have returned to the same state they were before the work was completed.
Slater said Judge John Mulhern will be retiring, and the borough will be looking soon for someone to replace him.
Councilman Anthony Nasisi said the firehouse museum painting is complete; and the firehouse oil tanks have been removed. Per borough records, he said, one 550 gallon tank actually was 1,000 gallons. However, Nasisi said, the final cost for tank removal matched what had been budgeted: $2,500. He added, the borough would not have been able to insure the tanks in the near future.
Slater said the Solitude Lake Management Company recently inspected the pond and will make adjustments to the total amount due, depending on required treatments. She continued, Solitude will not complete another water treatment in Sept., due to water being drained at that time for the dam armoring project.
In addition, she said, Solitude explained all the lily pads coming above the water are supposed to loosen from the ground, float, and be pulled out possibly by the DPW.
Slater said, the new fountain, 16 foot span – diameter, will arrive in the beginning of Sept., and she recommended waiting to install it until next April.
Hutnick suggested testing the fountain to make sure it works before next spring.
Nasisi said he will put the other fixed bubbler in next season, because it would not be beneficial to install it with such little time left in the season, and also, soon water will be drained from the pond.
Hutnick reported everything is on track for Ogdensburg Day, Sept. 9.
Resident Michael Nardini announced his candidacy as a write-in candidate for one of the open council positions.
Hutnick recommended the council change their meeting night from Tues., Oct. 10 to Wed., Oct. 11, in order to avoid conflict with Candidates' Night. The suggestion will be considered at the next meeting.
Councilman Robert Gunderman brought up for discussion making the town more attractive by planting something in the flower pots along Main St. He recommended the scouts or National Junior Honor Society be involved.
Officials determined Astor will talk to the students; Nasisi will talk to the Historical Society; and Hutnick will order seasonal banners.
Slater also recommended checking with the Clean Community Grant.
In addition, the borough is looking for businesses and volunteers to help. Pat of “Flocks of Fun” already planted mums in front of her business, and resident Vicki Schroeder volunteered to help at the meeting.