Miss Hamburg pageant planned in June

| 16 May 2016 | 08:36

    The Borough of Hamburg will be hosting the Miss Hamburg, Little Mr./Little Miss Hamburg contests on Sunday, June 12, at the Hamburg School at 1 p.m.
    All applicants for the contests must reside in the Borough of Hamburg.
    Miss Hamburg applicants must be single, have passed their 16th birthday, but not yet reached their 22nd birthday and attending high school or a high school graduate.
    All applicants for the Little Mr./Little Miss must have passed their fourth birthday but not yet reached their 8th birthday by Aug. 1.
    The winners must be available for the State Fair in August. Prior contestant winners are not eligible to apply.
    Applications can be picked up at Borough Hall, found on the Hamburg Recreation Facebook Page, or www.hamburgnj.org.
    For more information, contact Kathy at 973-827-9230 ext. 4012 or deputy_clerk@hamburgnj.org
    Applications will be accepted until June 3.